IITA Latest Jobs – Cassava Agronomist
The primary responsibilities of the Cassava Agronomist are to: Work with other team members to maintain the sustainable supply of cassava roots drive by targeted cassava starch/gari factories to increase the income and food security of small-scale farmers though the market created by the processing centres.
Job Description:
Position/Responsibilities: The primary responsibilities of the Cassava Agronomist are to: Work with other team members to maintain the sustainable supply of cassava roots drive by targeted cassava starch/gari factories to increase the income and food security of small-scale farmers though the market created by the processing centres. Specifically to:
Plan, lead, manage, and supervise all on-farm agronomic activities involving commercial cassava production in several states in Nigeria (Oyo, Ondo, Ekiti, Kogi, Niger, Abia etc)
- Assist in implementing the Nigeria Cassava Transformation Agenda in the areas of stem distribution in 28 states and establishment of Demo and starch evaluation trials.
- Assist in coordinating private-sector (Cosmo Farmers, GAVA International etc.) and State (Kogi, Jigawa, and Ebonyi) led Cassava Value Chain Initiatives.
- Design and conduct on-farm Demonstration Trials on resources-use efficiency and cost of cassava root production. The latter compares mechanized and traditional methods of farming with a view to running a cost-benefit analysis of the 2 methods. Also expected to establish multiplication farms.
- Select, cluster, mobilize, and train farmers on best agronomic practices, identify efficient service providers, make regular monitoring and evaluation visits and organize field days.
- Assist in supervising the input-supply credit services for the farmers, and advise on the procurement of field materials/inputs through input dealers and service providers.
- Ensure the timely implementation of all field activities such as land preparation, sourcing of planting materials, weeding, fertilizer application, and harvesting.
- Supervise the collection of and analyses of all agronomic data, and write technical reports/scientific articles for peer-reviewed journals.
- Contribute to proposal development and resource mobilization.
Qualification & Experience
The candidate should have a PhD degree in agronomy from a recognized university
Skills and Abilities
- At least 8 years of post PhD experience in agronomy research.
- Excellent knowledge of English.
- Knowledge of farming systems in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa.
- Knowledge of the landscape of agricultural research institutions in the region.
- Staff leadership experience.
- Working experience in the CGIAR system is of advantage
Deadline: 31st October 2012
Click here to Register: http://hr4u.iita.org/recruitment/MyApplication.aspx?PRF_ID=000022