Daily global Agro commodities prices

Get daily Agro commodities prices from the global market, be informed about the daily market changes in crops (soybeans, corn, wheat, wool, cotton, palm oil etc) and livestock in the international market.

6th Jan. 2022

Soybeans1366.25Bushel (bu.)USD
Wheat743.00Bushel (bu.)USD
Corn598.00Bushel (bu.)USD
Cotton115.04Pounds (lb.)USD
Rice14.61Hundredweight (cwt)USD
Cocoa2,437.00Metric tons (Mt)USD
Coffee230.80Pounds (lb.)USD
Oats673.25Bushel (bu.)USD
Live Cattle136.70Pounds (lb.)USD
Palm oil5,006.00Metric tonsUSD
Milk20.55Hundredweight (cwt)USD
Rubber224.00Kilogram (kg)JPY
Sugar18.26Pounds (lb.)USD
Tea2.93Kilogram (kg)USD
Lumber1,160.001000 Board feetUSD
Wool1,358.00100 KilogramAUD
Lean Hog (Pork)83.92Pounds (lb.)USD

We pick our prices by 14:00 GMT daily.

* Rubber priced in Japanese Yen (JPY)
* Wool priced in Australian Dollars (AUD)
* Beef priced in Brazilian Real (BRL)

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1 bushel(bu.) = 56 pounds(lb.) = 25.40 kilogram (Kg)
1 pounds(lb.) = 0.45 kilogram(kg)
1 Hundredweight(cwt) = 112 pounds(lb.) = 50.8 Kilogram (Kg)

SOURCE: Trading Economics

Agribusiness Information