Get daily Agro commodities prices from the global market, be informed about the daily market changes in crops (soybeans, corn, wheat, wool, cotton, palm oil etc) and livestock in the international market.
11th August. 2022
Soybeans | 1,722.25 | Bushel (bu.) | USD |
Wheat | 809.65 | Bushel (bu.) | USD |
Corn | 629.47 | Bushel (bu.) | USD |
Cotton | 110.10 | Pounds (lb.) | USD |
Rice | 17.05 | Hundredweight (cwt) | USD |
Cocoa | 2,397.00 | Metric tons (Mt) | USD |
Coffee | 223.70 | Pounds (lb.) | USD |
Oats | 447.71 | Bushel (bu.) | USD |
Live Cattle | 140.51 | Pounds (lb.) | USD |
Palm oil | 4264.00 | Metric tons | USD |
Milk | 20.08 | Hundredweight (cwt) | USD |
Rubber | 152.40 | Kilogram (kg) | JPY |
Sugar | 18.49 | Pounds (lb.) | USD |
Tea | 2.83 | Kilogram (kg) | USD |
Lumber | 612.60 | 1000 Board feet | USD |
Wool | 1,343.00 | 100 Kilogram | AUD |
Lean Hog (Pork) | 122.53 | Pounds (lb.) | USD |
Poultry | 8.12 | Kilograms | USD |
Beef | 20.46 | Kilogram | BRL |