Grants for Family Agriculture in West Africa 2017

The SEED Foundation supports French nonprofit organizations in partnership with nonprofit organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa for innovative solutions that address food security. Projects can address agricultural practices, farming knowledge and capacity, local agricultural products, etc. Grants range from €7 thousand to €15 thousand, up to 70% of project costs. The Foundation lists 21 eligible African countries.


1. The form will be open from 12/12/2016 to 06/02/2017.
2. Once the form is submitted, the SEED Foundation team will send a receipt specifying the eligibility or non-eligibility of the application.
3. If eligibility is confirmed, SEED Foundation will send an application file to be completed. Applicants and their partners will then have one month and a week to complete and return this file with all required attachments (see the presentation of the call for proposals for more details).

Schedule for the 2017 call for proposals:
05/12 – 12/12: Launch of the call for proposals
12/12 – 06/02: Eligibility forms are opened
06/02 – 20/02: Verification of eligibility and preselection
20/02 – 27/03: Application files are to be completed
27/03 – 29/05: Examination of the files followed by Selection Committee
05/06: Announcement of results
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Ghana, Gambia, Guinea Conakry, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Tanzania, Chad, Togo
Before submitting a project, please read the presentation of the 2017 call for proposals and ensure that your project aims to develop the African local resources and 2. complies with the eligibility criteria of the Funds.

ACCESS TO THE FORM – The form will be opened until February 6th, 2017.
Please cliCk on this link here to access the fund
Agribusiness Information